After the Conflict


Softcover – 48 pp
20 cm x 20 cm
Albumen Publishing
ISBN  978-1-9996697-8-2

Albumen Gallery is an online gallery highlighting work from emerging photographers as well as collectable photographs.


In 2013 and 2015 Turkish photographer Nevzat Yildirim was invited by a Turkish Human Rights Charity to travel to Yemen and Afghanistan respectively to document some of the charity’s work with orphaned children.

Nevzat Yildirim does not set out to add to the genre catalogue of general war photography documenting and reporting from specific conflict zones. His pictures address a wider concern that transcends any specific geo-political theatres of war. The poignant juxtaposition of children and wrecked, abandoned, tanks form a powerful J’Accuse – a visual protest reminding us that the lives of children are all too often accepted collateral damage of conflict.

This is what is left behind after the conflict. Casually abandoned wrecked hardware and damaged dislocated children often torn from their families – their innocence robbed. And yet, the photographs also capture something else. Despite the destruction, chaos and disturbing experiences, the children demonstrate a strength and positive energy in getting on with building a new life.