

Softcover – 42 pp
20 cm x 20 cm
Albumen Publishing
ISBN 978-1-7391990-0-5

Albumen Gallery is an online gallery highlighting work from emerging photographers as well as collectable photographs.


Throughout her work Catalan photographer Griselda Duch has been preoccupied with distilling her subjects down to essential details using the camera in her quest for their intrinsic qualities.

With this in mind, Botanicals — a body of work dedicated to the aesthetic qualities of plants — is a natural development in Griselda Duch’s work. More than just inspired by the German photographer Karl Blossfeldt (1865–1932) Griselda Duch’s Botanicals enter a playful dialogue with Blossfeldt’s photos.

Strikingly modern and inherently beautiful, Karl Blossfeldt’s photographs of plants, flowers and seed heads are as appealing today as they were when they were first introduced to the public in his landmark books Urformen der Kunst.